The Woman In Me hitmaker Britney Spears has shared a new post with her 42.7 million Instagram followers, but fans are yet to dismantle whether this is a hidden jab at her sister Jamie Lynn Spears.
In this cryptic post, Britney shared a famous quote by the American novelist Ernest Hemingway.
The confounding post read: “All things Wicked start from innocence.”
The mysterious connotation of this post has left fans wondering if this was aimed at Jamie Lynn Spears, who chose not to mention her pop-star sister for 2023’s I’m A Celebrity advertising trailer.
The relationship between the two sisters has been a complicated one since Britney Spears detailed her conservatorship and family ‘betrayals’ in the tell-all memoir The Woman In Me.
At the time fans turned to social media to show their support for the Stronger singer amid this alleged clap back at her sister.
One of the followers commented on this post, “Your sister for example!! She’s about to go in the Jungle and us Brits are RUTHLESS.. we’ve got your back hun.”
Another quipped in, “Hi Brittany I hope you enjoy Jamie Lynn suffering on I’m A Celeb I’ll definitely be putting my votes on her to do EVERY bush tucker trail.”
Revealing the secrets to her conservatorship Britney penned in her memoir, “I was left with so many emotions: shock, relief, elation, sadness, joy. I felt betrayed by my father, and sadly, by the rest of my family, too. My sister and I should have found comfort in each other, but unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case.”
On the other hand, Jamie Lynn has opened up about her reasons for joining the reality TV show claiming, “There is literally every misconception you can have on a person about me so I don’t take any of it seriously.”
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